A Concise Professional CV of Prof SM Muhongo

Fellowships in the topmost Science Societies/Academies of the World
*Honorary Fellow of the Geological Society of London, (est. 1807), HonFGS

*Honorary Fellow of the Geological Society of America (est. 1888), HonFGSA

*Honorary Research Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (est. 1956), HonRFCAGS

*Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences, FTWAS

*Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences, FAAS

*Fellow and Life Member of the Geological Society of Africa, FGSAf

Global Science Leadership
*Former Vice President of the Commission of the Geological Map of the World (CGMW)

*Former Chair of the Science Programme Committee of the UN-proclaimed International Year of Planet Earth (UN-IYPE)

*Former Chair of UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP Scientific Board of the International Geoscience Programme

*Former President of the Geological Society of Africa (GSAf)

Publication of Geological Maps
"Co-Author of Geology & Mineral Maps of Africa, East Africa and Tanzania

Science Books
*Senior Author of a Book (2009) on Science, Technology and Innovation for Socio-Economic Development: Success Stories from Africa

Science Policy Booklets
*Cordinator for the preparation and publication of 4 Science Plans for sub-Saharan Africa (2007, ICSU ROA). They are on:
+Sustainable Energy
+Health and Human Well-being
+Global Environmental Change
+Natural and Human-induced Hazards and Disaters

Science Journal Publications
*More than 200 publications in International learned journals of high to moderate Impact Factors (IFs)

*Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of the Journal of African Earth Sciences (JAES), published by Elsevier.

International Conferences of Experts
*Invited Keynote Speaker to over 500 national and international conferences

*Co-Organizer of over 100 Science Experts' Conferences around the World

Major International & National Awards
Many scholarly, professional and research awards, and scholarships including:

*Officier, The Ordre des Palmes académiques. An academic decoration introduced in 1808 by Emperor Napoleon.

*The Prof Robert Shackleton Award on Outstanding Research on the Precambrian Geology of Africa

*The Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS)/AMNI Petroleum Award of Prof.M.O. Oyawaye

*The National Award for Research in Science and Technology (NARST), Tanzania.

*The Best First Year Student in the Faculty of Science of the University of Dar es Salaam (1976/1977)

*The 1971 Best Debating Student at Mara Secondary School, Musoma, Tanzania. He was in Form III.

University Education
* graduate of the Technical University of Berlin (TU-Berlin), Germany

*MSc Research Student of the University of Góttingen, Germany

*MSc, BSc (Hons) (Geology) graduate of the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Prof Sospeter Mwijarubi Muhongo is a retired Full Professor of Geology and a very distinguished international scholar. He writes and speaks fluent Kiswahili, English and German languages. His French is basic.

Prof Dr.rer.nat. SM Muhongo
Officer, Ordre Palmes Academìques


+255 754 400 800

Monday, 5.9.2022