Recent Projects

School Desks Project for Musoma Rural Constituency

In order to set a good environment for our children to get quality education, you are invited to contribute to the School Desks project for schools in Musoma Rural constituency.

The demand is 8,000 desks. Each desk will be shared by two students.

The cost of making one desk is Tshs 83,000/- + VAT = Tshs 97,940/-. The project Contractor is JKT Mwanza.

Please send your contribution direct to the contractor through Bank account provided below.

Account Name: National Service Construction Department

Banks: CRDB Bank, Nyerere Branch, Mwanza

Account No: 01J1008189109

Report your contribution to the Project coordinator via telephone numbers: +255 754300001 / +255 787525358


Contributed hospital beds
Australia Tanzania Society (ATS) has donated health service devices in favor of dispensaries and health centers in the rural province of Musoma.Donated devices include mattresses, bicycles, gym kits, beds and several others hospital equipment.

A statement released by the office of MP of Musoma rural acknowledged with thanks to the institution for the assistance. The support has come at the right time and will help to improve health care in Musoma rural constituent, red the statement.


In effort to improve the delivery of education, the citizens of the village of Kasoma, have started the construction of teachers’ houses for Nyawengwenguru primary school.

One of the committee supervising the construction, Bondo Majura, said after realizing accommodation challenges facing teachers, they mobilized Kasoma citizens to come out and volunteer the construction work. Up on completion, the project will enhance the effectiveness of teachers in their duties.

In addition, the school administration were grateful on receiving students desks, mobilized and distrubuted in Musoma Rural school by the MP office of Musoma Rural constituent. Now, all students in this school have desks, said school administration.


Baadhi ya wabunge wa Mkoa wa Mara wakiwa na mbunge wa jimbo la Musoma vijijini Prof. Sospeter Muhongo wakati wa zoezi la ugawaji wa vitabu.
Musoma Rural MP and Minister of Energy and Minerals, Professor Sospeter Muhongo has handed over 25,000 books worth more than 500 million Tz.shillings for all MPs of the Mara Region to be distributed in schools.

Speaking at the handover, Professor Muhongo said the aim of handing over the books to the legislators, who should distribute to schools in their respective constituents, is to ensure education especially in science subjects is improved.

Prof. Muhongo said the books are meant to be distributed to all constituents of the region regardless of partisan ideology. “My fellow citizen, these books which shall help in improving education for the children of this region, are entrust to all members regardless of race. Partisan ideologies have no place in terms of development, “said Professor Muhongo.

He added that he expects to receive another batch of books that will be handed over as a 2016 Christmas gift to schools with libraries in Musoma Rural.