
MP’s Priorities
Education Health Agriculture Employment Water
Quality Education for All Better Health Care for All Modern Agriculture for Food and Cash Crops Increased Employment Opportunities Accessibility to Clean and Safe Water



Musoma Rural constituency was formally established in 2015. Professor Sospeter Muhongo, is the the first MP of this constituency. This website enables fast communication between the MP, other leaders of the constituent and the general public.


Education: In strengthening education, MP (Prof. Muhongo) has issued more than 20,000 books to schools where attention has been paid in poorly performing schools.

In addition, 22,000 books were brought from the United States. These books were distributed to all schools of Musoma Rural constituency. On top of these initiatives, Hon. Prof. Muhongo donated 100 million shillings to the Musoma rural education fund.

Health: In strengthening public health, Hon. Prof. Muhongo donated galvanized iron sheets and other building materials for constructing incomplete facilities of the health centres in Musoma rural.

Also the MP provided and handed ambulances to the administration of Murangi and other health centers.

Water: Since water is one of the big challenges within the Constituency, plans have been initiated for drilling wells.

Agriculture: In the promotion of agriculture, Hon. Prof. Muhongo said production of cassava within the Constituency is very low. He has set a goal to increase harvesting of cassava per hectare from 2,000 kg to 10,000 kg per hectare.

Also Hon. MP has suggested that cotton does not do well in his constituency. Instead sunflower cultivation is thought to be an alternative.

Hon. Prof. Muhongo has contributed about 4,025 kilograms of sunflower seeds which have been distributed to farmers in the region.